Reform Of The Pension Regime: The Need For A Powerful Zero Pillar
Within the framework of the pension reform process that the country has begun, the creation of a universal, zero pillar, financed by taxes, is proposed. The mentioned one would provide fair and sufficient care to old age, without affecting the rights stated by the international regulations ratified by our country.
The country's experience in the matter of non-contributory old-age benefits is highlighted, as well as the financing of contributory benefits which has largely relied on fiscal resources, since worker-employer contributions are not enough, emphasizing that this is, ultimately, an option of the constituent.
In terms of coverage and sufficiency of the contributory system, the short and medium-term prospects are observed with concern, due to the very probable downward trend, which is why it is understood that it is necessary to advance in the implementation of a universal zero pillar that compensates for the noted trend.
The Swedish experience is reviewed and the importance of building a state policy on Social Security matters is highlighted, this state policy must attract the highest level of possible consensus, to ensure stability and predictability in the medium and long term.
Finally, the confluence of prestigious doctrine, as well as international organizations around the need to develop universal protection instruments in old age, as would be the case of zero pillar.
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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho. Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License.