Constituent Power, People, Constitution

Schmitt’s Constitutional Theory in Light of its Institutional Turn

  • Luciano Simonetti Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Schmitt, Decisionism, Institutionalism, Constituent Power, People, Constitution


This paper studies the founding concepts of Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory, as conceived in Constitutional Theory (1928), in light of its institutional turn. To
this end, it first presents Schmitt's decisionism, as expressed in his main writings of the 1920s, including Constitutional Theory. In second place, it exhibits the institutional turn that his work underwentin the 1930s, which implied the GpartialG abandonment of his decisionist proposal. Afterwards, it offers an analysis of the categories of Schmittian constitutional theoryin light of his institutional conceptual apparatus. It is concluded that these concepts, as formulated in Constitutional Theory, are not compatible with his institutional proposal, which requires their reconceptualization.


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Author Biography

Luciano Simonetti, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Abogado, Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Diplomado en Derecho Público Económico, Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Pensamiento Contemporáneo: Filosofía y Pensamiento Político, Universidad Diego Portales.


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How to Cite
Simonetti, L. (2021). Constituent Power, People, Constitution. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (50), e2021n50a13.