Problems Concerning Joint Judgment and Separate From the ex delicto Civil Damage Action Regarding the Criminal Chilean Process
The current criminal procedural system allows joint judgment of civil actions, including compensation for damages, with the criminal action, provided that the first derives from the commission of the crime. Thus, two ways are presented: the separate and the simultaneous judgment between civil liability and criminal liability. Does the choice of one or another alternative generate any benefit, or on the contrary, a disadvantage? This paper, pretends, in order to resolve the previous question, to offer a normative panorama of the available regulation on the civil liability judgment that derives from the commission of a criminal offense. Next, analyze the problems that arise when deciding for the simultaneous civil compensation and criminal judgment. Subsequently, it will address a problem denounced by the doctrine, regarding the inadmissibility of the civil liability judgment after the issuance of an acquittal ofthe accused in the criminal process.
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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho. Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License.