On land ownership:
Carlos Vaz Ferreira´s Contributions to Democracy as a Realization of a Human Rights Regime
The article deals with the book by Carlos Vaz Ferreira “On the property of the land”, one hundred years after its publication in 1918, trying to estimate the validity and actuality of its proposals. Vaz Ferreira argues that “the problem of land ownership” has not been well resolved, because it has not well established. In the debates about its problem it has proceeded unfailingly reducing it to the problem of “production land”.
In no cases has the “housing land” “as a minimum of human rights, the right to live: the right to enjoy land without price or permission” that Vaz Ferreira proposes has been considered in its specificity.
Considering democracy as the realization of human rights regime, the vazferreiran discernment of ers fundamentals to the realization of a democracy that can transcend the reference of human rights that are institutional trascendentalizations of structural conditions of the current mode of production, by reference to rights that as the “right to live in”, they belong to human beings because of their status as such, beyond any structural place that the institutional system reflects
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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho. Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License.