Safeguarding fundamental rights of access to justice and the truth. About the case: “Utopia Disco”

  • Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique Universidad Católica de Santa María, Arequipa
Keywords: right to the truth, right of access to justice


Before the arrival of the New Constitutionalism and Global Right, we come being witness of the healthy development of the non alone right of the Peruvian State, mainly for the contributions of the constitutional justice. It redounds it and it strengthens the System Law, Constitutional State of Right and mainly the System of Administration of Justice. This way, institutions like the right to the truth and access to the justice, they charge bigger reaches and recognitions. In the present the author analyze and comment a resolution of the Supreme Court that solves a case emblematic, the same one that we consider, thoroughly it claims them courageously.


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Author Biography

Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique, Universidad Católica de Santa María, Arequipa

Comisionado de la Oficina Defensorial Lima Este (Perú). Colaborador Externo del Bufete Jurídico Internacional, Jordan & Luciano Abogados (España). Experto en Derecho Empresarial y Administrativo, en Avalón, la Red de Exper- tos de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica (España). Investigador Externo Adscrito al Instituto Vasco de Derecho Procesal (País Vasco). Abogado por la Universidad Católica de Santa María (Arequipa -Perú). Egresado de los Doctorados en Derecho y Administración, y de las Maestrías en Derecho Empresarial y Derecho Penal, por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Lima -Perú).


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How to Cite
Torres Manrique, J. I. (2014). Safeguarding fundamental rights of access to justice and the truth. About the case: “Utopia Disco”. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (36), 185-208. Retrieved from