Liability for environmental damage in Uruguay

  • Gonzalo F. Iglesias Rossini Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Escribano Público. Experto en Derecho Ambiental. Integrante del Centro de Derecho Ambiental de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de la República. LL.M. Environmental and Energy Law. Georgetown University Law Center. Magister en Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República. Magister en Ciencias Ambientales. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de la República. Especialista en Derecho Ambiental. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Keywords: Environmental law, Responsibility, Environmental damage


This study addresses the liability for environmental damage in Uruguay, regulated mainly in Article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic, Law No. 16,466 of January 19, 1994 (Environmental Impact Assessment Law), and Law No. 17,283, of November 28, 2000 (General Environmental Law). We will analyze how Uruguay defined environmental damage in its General Environmental Law, but without taken into consideration its regulation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Law. Many of these aspects have been attempted to be corrected in the Bill on Liability for Environmental Damage, which is being studied by Parliament, and of which the author of this article has been coeditor.


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How to Cite
Iglesias Rossini, G. F. (2023). Liability for environmental damage in Uruguay. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (56), e20235601.