Analysis of the jurisprudence of the electoral court on the registration of political parties

  • Jean-Paul Tealdi Asistente (Grado 2), interino, de Derecho Constitucional, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República. Ayudante del Instituto de Derecho Constitucional de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República (2017-2021)
Keywords: Political parties, Law Nº 18,845, Registration, Case law, Electoral Court


Historically, the Electoral Court had a regulatory procedure for the registration of new political parties. The Uruguayan Constitution from 1997 provides that in order for political parties to participate in the electoral cycle (national, departmental and municipal elections), it is necessary that they hold primary, simultaneous and mandatory internal elections for said parties.

Law No. 183485 of May 11, 2009, in articles 7 to 9 establishes the way in which political parties must be constituted, what documents applicants must present, as well as the deadlines for filing objections and the procedure before the Electoral Court.

The Electoral Court from 2010 to date has received applications for registration of new political parties, dictating for this the regulations of the indicated articles. By Circular No. 8894 of November 13, 2012, it was established that requests from political parties that want to participate in the following electoral period must be submitted 150 days before the date of the internal elections. Until 2019 and since 2012, around fifteen applications for the registration of new political parties have been submitted in application of the aforementioned law.

Not all applications have culminated in the registration of the political party, being objected by individuals, by other parties or by the Electoral Court itself.



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TEALDI, J.P. (2014). “La inscripción de los partidos políticos”, en Revista La Justicia Uruguaya, Año LXXV (150), DA29-DA33.
Uruguay. Ley N° 18.996. Aprobación de Rendición de Cuentas y Balance de Ejecución Presupuestal. Ejercicio 2011. 22 de noviembre de 2012.
Uruguay. Ley N° 18.485. Declaración de Interés Nacional. Partidos Políticos. Diario Oficial. 20 de mayo de 2009.
Uruguay. Ley N° 17.063. Elecciones Nacionales. Elecciones Internas de los Partidos Políticos. 5 de enero de 1999.
Uruguay. Decreto-Ley N° 10.143. Registro Cívico Nacional. Inscripciones. 4 de mayo de 1942.
Uruguay. Ley N° 7.812. Ley de Elecciones. 19 de enero de 1925.
Uruguay. Ley N° 7.690. Ley de Registro Cívico Nacional. Diario Oficial. 11 de enero de 1924.
How to Cite
Tealdi, J.-P. (2022). Analysis of the jurisprudence of the electoral court on the registration of political parties. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (53), e20225306. Retrieved from