La Social security and its reforming dynamism from a gender perspective: the right to social benefits that correct inequity

  • Cristóbal Molina Navarrete Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: Social Security,, Gender Perspective,, Gender gaps in Pensions,, Non-Discrimination


Across the world, social security systems have a number of deep gender-based social protection gaps. Women find it more difficult to access contributory social security benefits, in addition, their amounts are much lower than those of men. One part of the causes is associated with inequalities in the labor markets (sexist segregation of employment), as well as the greater role of women in the work of caring for family members, without salary. Institutional factors also play a role in perpetuating gender gaps in social protection. In some European countries, such as Spain, very recent legal reforms have been carried out to try to correct these gender gaps in social security. This study analyzes the aspects of innovation and the difficulties ("thorns") that have arisen in this improvement path in favor of real gender equity in social protection.


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How to Cite
Molina Navarrete, C. (2021). La Social security and its reforming dynamism from a gender perspective: the right to social benefits that correct inequity. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (52), e2021n52espa4.