The future of social security in the post-pandemic period: setbacks, continuities and opportunities in a persistently unequal region

  • Fabio Bertranou Director (ILO Office in Santiago, Chile)
Keywords: Social Security,, Latin America,, Reform Paradigms,, Retirement and Pensions,, COVID-19 Pandemic.


This article briefly reviews Social Security prevalent paradigms, objectives and trends in Latin America, focusing on economic security programs for seniors in the Southern Cone. It also identifies the five main areas that influence and determine the performance of social security and addresses some of the impacts produced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it discusses some emerging issues that need to be included in the social security debate and policies.


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How to Cite
Bertranou, F. (2021). The future of social security in the post-pandemic period: setbacks, continuities and opportunities in a persistently unequal region. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (52), e2021n51espa3.