Regime of goods in transit
The globalization of the economy and the vertiginous development of international trade, together with the transport of goods and tourism, have generated a renewed and greater interest in determining the legal regime applicable to tangible goods in transit. That is, to movable goods that, due to various circumstances, are transported through different countries.In the international trade of transported goods, in 2018, it reached a volume of 11,000 million tons and it is expected that, until the year 2024, the increase that will occur is around 3.4% (2) (UNCTAD, 2019). Regarding the medium used, it is estimated that 90% of what is transported has been by sea, river or lake and the remaining 10% has been through land and air transport. This transport is carried out, to a large extent, across borders, subjecting the goods that are subject to them to different legal regimes corresponding to the different countries that for one circumstance or another they must pass through or that correspond to the place of destination. Hence the importance of analyzing everything related to the legal regime applicable to these goods, as well as the means through which they are transported. (...)
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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho. Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License.