José Batlle y Ordóñez and the Political Economy of his Time

  • María Luisa Aguerre Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de la República
Keywords: Batlle y Ordoñez, Political Economy, Welfare State, Liberal Democracy


This paper aims to establish of the foundations of the reformist paradigm of the Liberal State which is nowadays called “Social Democracy”; the following has been conformed during the second half of ºthe nineteenth century, in opposition to the Socialism witch was also struggling for the transformation of Society and his economy by the nationalization of the means of production. In second place we will analyze the main theories of economists at the time, to which great importance is awarded on the acceptance of State´s interventionism to reform the economic life of societies, keeping at the same time, the system of free competition regarding markets. José Batlle y Ordóñez, who we consider familiar with the theories of the new paradigm, applied them in Uruguay during his two presidencies, changing the economic structures of the country while ensuring at the same time democratic freedoms and capitalism in a market regulated by the State.


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Author Biography

María Luisa Aguerre, Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de la República

Magister en Ciencia Política


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How to Cite
Aguerre, M. L. (2020). José Batlle y Ordóñez and the Political Economy of his Time. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (48), e20194815.