Consumer perception: Quality, safety and security of food products based on the Consumer Protection Law
In the last few years the culture of respect toward Salvadoran consumer´s rights has been promoted by government and non-government institutions. The objective of this research was to investigate about the experiences, concerns, and expectations of consumers of the city of San Miguel in relation to the perception about the fulfillment and non-fulfillment of their rights, associated with food quality, safety, and security. This was also contrasted with the opinion emitted by businesspeople with the purpose of establishing similarities and differences related to this topic. Besides, the research was descriptive and explanatory which detailed and analyzed the causes and effects of the relation between the variables to comply with the requirements of: quality and security of food products with rights fulfillment. Data analysis was made by using basic statistic techniques: frequency tables and graphs. Finally, it was found that consumers are sensible to high prices of the basic food basket and this influences their purchase decision; that they receive food products of average quality and that these products are not always accessible to their budgets; likewise, there is a high percentage of consumers that know their rights and duties given by the Consumer Protection Law.
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