Background of the implementation of the Protocol the Convention against Torture: Monitoring places of detention and prevention of torture in Uruguay

  • Álvaro Garcé García y Santos Universidad de la República
Keywords: torture prevention, places of detention, prison system, prevention, prisons, jail, torture


The ratification of the Optional Protocol of the Convention against Torture had for our country, the significance of an ethical and juridical commitment of giving priority to the prevention of abuses for all the people deprived from liberty who are in jails or in other places of detention, as a consequence of a judicial decision or by virtue of an administrative mandate. Among the obligations established by the said Protocol it is found the one of setting up a National Mechanism of Prevention, technically and economically independent, in charge of the systematic monitoring of the detention centers. The creation of the National Institution of Human Rights, together with the legal mandate the same bears to coordinate its duties with the pre-existing Parliamentary Commissioner, finally brings the certain possibility of fulfilling with the obligations arising from the Protocol. At the same time, the original national solution, unparalleled in the region, implies a series of juridical complexities approached in this work. The cooperation between the two State Institutions involved in the matter, so as to avoid a useless overlapping of duties, brings up a promising future in relation to the prevention of torture in Uruguay.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Garcé García y Santos, Universidad de la República

Comisionado Parlamentario para el sistema carcelario; miembro del Comité de Naciones Unidas para la Protección de Todas las Personas contra la Desaparición Forzada. Profesor Adjunto, Gr. III, de Evolución de las Instituciones Jurídicas, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República.


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How to Cite
Garcé García y Santos, Álvaro. (2014). Background of the implementation of the Protocol the Convention against Torture: Monitoring places of detention and prevention of torture in Uruguay. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (35), 89-110. Retrieved from