The concept of social justice in the speech of Luis Batlle Berres. Social justice and deepening democracy Uruguayan society in the mid-twentieth century
Social justice is one of the key issues under discussion today, we intend to deep in the construction of this concept, key to understanding the history of Uruguay and central in the collective imaginary, research into the concept of social justice in who was one of the leading politicians of the country. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of social justice through the study of Luis Batlle Berres (1897-1964) speech. We propose using the questions, categories, and the method presented by the Conceptual History approach in he the use of that voice. While the concepts are many meanings concentrates ¿what Batlle Berres social justice meets?, ¿what is the scope of this concept in his thought: justice as equality?, ¿as compensation natural and social inequality? or ¿as meeting the needs?, also ¿what other concepts related to social justice make its semantic field?, ¿Is there a concept resemantization from the first Batllismo? Try to recover the speech intentions Batlle Berres, elucidate the problems which are part of the political agenda of that time, those who tried to answer, and identify partners to who he directed his speech.
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