Sui géneris regulationism. Context and absences in the legislative process of law 17515

  • Pablo Guerra Instituto de Sociología Jurídica, Facultad de Derecho, UdelaR.
Keywords: Prostitution, Regulationism, Abolitionism, Feminism, Uruguay


This article reviews the process of discussion and approval of Law 17515 that regulates Sexual Work in Uruguay, analyzing the participation of legislators in the Chamber and the work carried out in the respective Parliamentary Commissions. Likewise, we will observe the role played by the discourse of feminisms regarding the position on the theme of prostitution and its eventual regulation. This is how we reflect a historical context in which contrary to the treatment of Law 8080 (repression of pimping) the abolitionist discourse does not have a presence and is replaced by a major protagonism of the regulationist or even neoregulationist discourse.


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How to Cite
Guerra, P. (2022). Sui géneris regulationism. Context and absences in the legislative process of law 17515. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, e2022nesp1a19.