Liberal Revolutions and Legal Cultures

  • Diana C. Valencia-Tello Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Keywords: State, Legal Cultures, Liberal Revolution, Institutions


Through reflection on liberal revolutions it is possible to verify the existence of different legal cultures, which within the framework of European culture generate various legal institutions for the consolidation of the nation-state. Studying the history of legal cultures in liberal revolutions will help us to understand that every culture has its beliefs, norms and values, which are in a constant flow and do not change as quickly as the formal norms of a new legal order. In an era where many advocate for the standardization and / or unification of law because of the globalization process, be aware of the diversity of cultures and legal traditions that emerge in various social, economic and political contexts; determines the practical limits of a denationalized global law. The existence of different regulatory rationalities and institutions in the various States marks the existence of pluralistic legal orders that must take into account the particularities of each legal culture and historical context permanently.


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How to Cite
Valencia-Tello, D. C. (2020). Liberal Revolutions and Legal Cultures. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (49), e2020n49a1.