The Classic System of Deontic Logic:
a Critical View
The deontic logic was born in 1951 with the publication, in the journal Mind, of the notorious Georg Henrik Von Wright’s paper: Deontic Logic. This moment constitutes a turning point in the history of this particular logic, since, from there it began its systematic study. The Classic System of Deontic Logic, which was born with such paper, is one of the most widespread, specially, between jurists and philosophers of law. This is due, among other things, to its simple structure and the fact that it answers more adequately our intuitions about how deontic concepts work (permitted, forbidden and obligatory), however, this system is not exempt from important problems and difficulties. Particulary, this article aims to:
- Develop a detailed exposition of the structure and essential elements of the Classic System of Deontic Logic.
- Reveal the main problems and paradoxes the above mentioned system faces.
- Make a weighting of the system considering the importance of its problems and virtues.
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