The Conciliation and Mediation as Public Policies for Social Reintegration in the Post Conflict in Colombia
This paper makes a study of the conflict as a mediate antecedent for the promulgation of norms in the post-conflict era in Colombia, which began with the signing of La Havana peace agreements in 2016. From there, it is conceived the normative analysis for the overcoming of the conflict and the mechanisms arranged for the reestablishment of the public order and the social welfare within the territory. In this sense, it is important to reflect on the willing factors that tend to facilitate the transition from armed conflict to a lasting peace scenario, especially from the social reconstruction approach; making a study of the judicial and extrajudicial mechanisms available to solve conflicts.
The research has a qualitative, legal descriptive approach. First, the study focuses on the examination of the reconciliation from its conceptualization, characteristics, principles and structure, then from the same approach analyzes the mediation, thirdly, the reintegration to social life is evaluated as an element of the policy public implemented by the Colombian State in the face of the challenges of the end of the armed confrontation, fourthly, the post-conflict problem is addressed and finally an analysis is made from the comparative law of mediation and conciliation.
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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho. Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License.