When Women Raised Civil Equality

Importance and Proposals Around the VII International American Conference of Montevideo, 1933

Keywords: Women, VII American Conference, Civil Rights, Equality, Feminism


The present article seeks to rescue the political, historical and diplomatic importance of the VII International American Conference held in Montevideo between December 3 and 26, 1933. The significance of this event stands out in making visible the diplomatic relations of the United States with America. Latina in the context of the convulsed thirties. On the other hand, it meant a fundamental event for the feminist movement and its demands for equality of political and civil rights. The objectives set are focused on the particular analysis of the claims presented by the women and their arguments regarding the equality of political and civil rights, in the justifications and recommendations arising from the Montevideo Conference of 1933. It seems interesting to look back at this event which, from the standpoint of demand, made visible a problem that affected women and that consolidated their relationship of subjection with respect to men. Even today, analyzing it in a current perspective, we ask ourselves if those claims do not remain in the agenda of political discussion.


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Author Biographies

Álvaro García Alonso, Universidad de Montevideo

Profesor de Historia (Instituto de Profesores Artigas-Uruguay). Magister en Historia (Universidad de Montevideo-Uruguay)

María Laura Osta Vázquez, Universidad de Montevideo

Docente Flacso-Uruguay. Universidad de Montevideo. ANII (Investigador Nivel I)


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How to Cite
García Alonso, Álvaro, & Osta Vázquez, M. L. (2019). When Women Raised Civil Equality. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (46), e20194614. https://doi.org/10.22187/rfd2019n46a14