For a (Trans-)Modernity in a "World in State of Quantum Critic", by Willis Santiago Guerra Filho

Keywords: quantum critic, (Trans-)Modernity, Transmutation, Paradigm, Exception State


Analyzing the current world requires us to consider different nuances proper to the human being and that are forgotten, hidden before a reality that is conditional to an uncritical formation. Think of a world in a quantum critic state to foster critical awareness that will enable us to overcome the present crystallized paradigmatic thinking to think of another reality, a (trans-)modernity, a changing modernity, proposing to face, debate and criticize our condition, permanence and performance in this dehumanizing world. This is how we should see ourselves in this simulated reality so that we try to get out of this situation and think about other possible practices in the future, practices centered on the human being able to deal with his condition and accept that he can be the causal agent of both, catastrophe or change, fitting to him the choice, it is up to him to recognize the quantum critic and from it to bring about profound changes in society. This is the purpose of this brief investigative outline.


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Author Biography

Osvaldo Estrela Viegaz, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Mestre em Filosofia do Direito e Teoria do Estado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2017). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Nove de Julho (2014). Licenciado em História pelas Faculdades Integradas de Guarulhos (2009). Pesquisador do grupo “Epistemologia Política do Direito”.


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How to Cite
Viegaz, O. E. (2019). For a (Trans-)Modernity in a "World in State of Quantum Critic", by Willis Santiago Guerra Filho. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (46), e20194607.