Generic-Sexual Diversity Incorporation in Health Care:
theoretical keys for an analytical model
This paper analyzes the challenges presented by the incorporation of the sexual and gender diversity approach in health policy, from a perspective that implies mainstreaming this approach in the core dimensions associated with the concepts with which universality and comprehensiveness is built in that policy.
The paper includes four sections: in the first one, an introduction is made. The second one offers a description about changes and substantive reconfigurations that implied questioning the legitimacy of the universalist policies. The third section deepens on the inclusion of the perspective of gender and sexual diversity in health policy, for which a critical review of the literature on health systems and health policies is carried out, as well as an in-depth study of the literature that focuses on introduction of the perspective of sexual diversity in the analysis of health systems and health policies. Subsequently the gender mainstream approach is addressed, exploring its analytical potential for the study of the incorporation of the gender-sexual diversity perspective in the scope of health policy and health systems.
The paper concludes with a section in which a theoretical model of how to mainstream the gender-sexual diversity perspective in key concepts of health policy is offered.
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