How to evaluate scientific journals? About limitations of the citation factor impact

  • Pablo Guerra Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de la República
Keywords: Impact factor, scientific journals, scientific research


There are thousands of scientific journals around the world, many of them arising from greater possibilities by the ICT. A lot of them, should have build objective indicators of quality in the past years by several agencies of the scientific publications ecosystem. It was a reasonable initiative? In fact it has become a one of the most debated topic in academia by the inescapable aspects linked to the power that is in defining who and how establish the measure criteria. In this article we sustain a critical position regarding the hegemonic world models, promoting an alternative look that takes into account the realities of Spanish-speaking countries as well as the different starting points of the sciences social about the “hard sciences”. 


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Author Biography

Pablo Guerra, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de la República
Profesor Agregado, Facultad de Derecho, Carrera de Relaciones Laborales. Investigador Activo SNI.


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How to Cite
Guerra, P. (2018). How to evaluate scientific journals? About limitations of the citation factor impact. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (44), e20184407. Retrieved from
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