Fiscal ethics, policies, and theories

  • Andrés Blanco Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de la República, (UdelaR)
Keywords: Ethics, policies, economy, fiscal, theory, Rawls, post Keynesianism, tax-payers


The connections between ethics, policies and economic theories regarding fiscal matters need a more thorough analysis than the one carried out so far. On one hand, even though there are some ethical proposals on taxation, in general such proposals have not been grounded on explanatory theories of the economy. On the other hand, schools of thought about economy usually fail to ethically justify their political proposals. However, such distinctions cannot be sustained rationally: any ethical proposal concerning fiscal matters involves an explanation of economy, and conversely any proposal related to fiscal policies does not only involve a theory but also an ethical understanding. This article will review such connections, and general conclusions will be applied to two specific cases: first, Rawls’s proposal concerning taxation will be reviewed, having previously studied its descriptive assumptions, and then the lack of an ethical connection between the post Keynesian theory on the monetary circuit and its fiscal proposal will be examined. Finally, a possible “taxation compliance ethic” of tax-payers will be likewise analysed.


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Author Biography

Andrés Blanco, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de la República, (UdelaR)
Profesor de Derecho Financiero, Facultad de Derecho, UdelaR.


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How to Cite
Blanco, A. (2016). Fiscal ethics, policies, and theories. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (40), 51-75.