Review: Calce, C., Spain, V., Goñi, M., Magnone, N., Mesa, S., Meza, F., Pacci, G., Rostagnol, S., Viera, M. Violence against women the public agenda: Contributions in interdisciplinary key

  • Flor de Ma. Meza Tananta Facultad de Derecho; Universidad de la República
Keywords: review, violence against women, women, femicide


"In the last time before the murder, Facundo had begun to say that would move abroad, unless Lucia would like to return with him. The concern she felt for him and calm attitude apparent ex-boyfriend led to the setting Lucia "off guard". Lucia agreed to go to the house of Facundo to talk and leave. Facundo that day killed her and then himself. " So describe the authors of "Violence against women on the public agenda: Contributions in interdisciplinary key" femicide Lucia. Also they wonder What factors lead women and their environments to justify violence by their partners or former partners ?; What drives the interest in the other opaque own perception of danger of death. "


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Author Biography

Flor de Ma. Meza Tananta, Facultad de Derecho; Universidad de la República
Maestranda Flor de Ma. Meza Tananta, Profesora Asistente e integrante del Grupo Derecho y Género de la Facultad de Derecho, UdelaR; Profesora del Diploma en Género y Políticas Públicas de la FCS; Profesora  del Diplomado en Derechos Humanos en la UCUDAL y Profesora en el Diplomado “Género y Políticas de Igualdad” de FLACSO Uruguay.
How to Cite
Meza Tananta, F. de M. (2015). Review: Calce, C., Spain, V., Goñi, M., Magnone, N., Mesa, S., Meza, F., Pacci, G., Rostagnol, S., Viera, M. Violence against women the public agenda: Contributions in interdisciplinary key. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho, (38), 285-286. Retrieved from