Focus and Scope

The Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República (The Law School Journal of the University of the Republic) is an academic publication aimed at contributing to the development of the Science of Law and the Social Sciences, by promoting the critical and plural analysis of relevant subjects within the different areas fields of study of our Law School.

 The journal consists of three sections: papers (research or doctrine articles), case law or annotated legislation, and reviews, the latter being non-refereed. Unpublished papers in any legal or social discipline are accepted for each of the sections.

Peer Review Process

Publishing process. Upon receipt of the submissions, a preliminary evaluation is carried out in order to ensure that each paper complies with the formal requirements and that it is an original, relevant paper of good quality. If there are no remarks in this respect, the process continues.

The journal submits all papers received to arbitration, applying a double blind system, in which revisers do not know the author’s identity and vice versa, resorting to well-known and competent assessors external to the journal. Each assessor has two weeks to submit a written evaluation stating whether or not the paper meets the quality standards required for publication in the journal. In the event of conflicting evaluations by the assessors, a third evaluation will take place. The journal reserves the rights to accept or deny the publication of any submitted papers according to the arbitration’s resolution, and to notify the author in due time of any changes required for the publication of the paper.

Our journal does not have any charges, that is, there is no cost for article processing charges (APCs), or submission charges, or by subscription, or any other cost. NO charges are charged.

Publication Frequency: Biannual

Submission of originals: Items are received throughout the year

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge

Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate):


2013 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 54%

2014 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 46%

2015 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 48%

2016 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 46%

2017 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 45%

2018 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 42%

2019 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 42%

2020 - Annual percentage of original works published (acceptance rate): 46%

Revista de la Facultad de Derecho integrates AURA - Asociación Uruguaya de Revistas Académicas  (Uruguayan Association of Academic Journals)

Revista de la Facultad de Derecho  


Journal History

he Faculty of Law is the oldest university service of our university and this explains why its long tradition of publications. The "Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences" is part of this tradition whose history goes back to the last quarter of the nineteenth century with the emergence in the mid-80s of the "Journal of the University Society", "The University" , the "Journal of law and Jurisprudence" and "Journal of law, Jurisprudence and Administration" whose existence continues for much of the twentieth century.

But none of these ventures had the institutional and official character to the "Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences" will from 1932. This publication gives birth to her first number during the deanship of Dr. Emilio Frugoni and under the empire of the university Organic Law of 1908. the decade that promoted the magazine demanded transformations involving the entire university life as confirmed by several events in the body: the creation of new faculties and Chemistry and Pharmacy and Dentistry, consolidation the Federation of University Students of Uruguay, are telltale signs of this transformation.

In the Faculty of Law multiple events were detailed at length held on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Journal (No. 32) succeed. The important events which constitute the Assemblies of Teachers and Students articulate a set of demands for reform plans and study regime, culminating in a transformation program that reveals the need to implement a policy of publications of an institutional nature. At the sitting of 18 August 1930, the Council of the Faculty of Law approves the Report of Reform prepared by the Assembly of Professors and Students stating that "The School should have its own magazine designed to gather all scientific production of Professors and Students ". Here is the origin of this publication. The Magazine is born on a quarterly basis that preserves during its first period (1932 - 1936 and 1950 - 1971), later, between 1975 and 1991, it has irregularities in its appearance until finally adopt the regular biannual currently retains. The texts from its origins proposes to publicize the Journal, they should have as a fundamental condition for publication, being strictly scientific. As for the leadership and management of the Journal, he was initially entrusted to the Dean of the Faculty, but from 1950 known designated for that purpose own authorities. So the Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences born with the structure, purpose and content of a genuinely academic publication, all aspects that retain a surprising effect after after more 80 years of existence.

Any enterprise that has such extensive as the Journal of the Faculty of Law life, possibly the most durable of university publications, had to face periods of silence and difficulties and yet appealing to the best traditions that gave birth, reborn renewed and changing lives. In modern times, the publication has been updated taking and accompanying the natural challenges of all academic activity. It has incorporated new procedures for selection of content and adopted formats in line with the times and yet, the purposes that gave rise to their birth, retain a perennial permanence, "We hope that the production in the various branches of law and in the field of social science receive from us a vigorous boost with this new element of action that the Faculty acquires and wields for their own benefit and scientific progress of the nation, which is due entirely as a factor in his moral destinations ". ( "Prologue" Year I. No. 1. 1932).